Top 3 Reasons To Use Video Training For Employees


Effective training is vital, to ensure employees understand your company’s mission. 77% of employees surveyed by Deloitte believe ongoing training helps to achieve that all-important sense of purpose. But not all training methods are created equal — research suggests as much as 11% of employee training may be “unproductive learning”.

Traditional training methods are often ineffective (manuals fall out of date soon after they’ve been produced), expensive (upwards of half the cost of off-site seminars is spent on travel alone), or incomplete (as senior employees are not always available to share their expertise) — and sometimes all three. Add to this a cubicle culture in which workers feel disconnected from management decisions and you have a recipe for disillusionment and high staff turnover.

Technology, especially video, is addressing these challenges by revolutionizing the way knowledge is interrupted, shared and used.

Here are 5 ways using video in employee training can help your company transform its culture.

1. Getting On Board Quickly With Video Training

Managers and Human Resource teams need to communicate information necessary for any job, often in just two or three days. Communicating large amounts of complex information is best done in a visual manner, which traditionally has meant in-person. Instead of sending employees to the one location where subject matter experts or Human Resources personnel are, managers can use video to share knowledge from multiple people quicker and easier.

One tip is to create brief videos of easy-to-digest content. Each video can cover a different policy or topic. Videos shorter than five minutes can be quickly absorbed and comprehended. With a video platform solution, new hires can quickly access a library of video assets that cover corporate policies, including travel, hiring, and benefit programs. When video assets are managed by an enterprise video platform, managers also can ensure that employees watch the videos and comply with on-boarding by tracking viewer statistics for each new team member.

An on-demand video training library can help boost new employees’ confidence by giving them instant access to refresh and deepen learning.

2. Product Launches and Ongoing Training

Constant market changes now result in frequent new products or upgrades, with more details for employees and sales teams to learn. Videos can have a dramatic impact on the speed of employee education versus traditional training methods. Video training can save your company a lot of money in the long run.

Product demonstration videos show how exactly a product works, helping employees communicate those benefits in sales calls, during meetings, and on trade show floors. Regular product update videos help existing employees knowledgeably discuss products with customers, partners, and media.  A video series contract with us can help solve that issue. 

In most organizations, every position has at least a handful of unique requirements and expectations. But most traditional training programs don’t incorporate tailored learning, and often, company experts are often too busy to deliver sessions and outline all those particular details. By using video, forward-looking businesses allow employees to learn at their own speed and focus on areas of weakness. 

3. It Keeps Costs Down

Here’s a stat for you:

85% of every dollar spent on classroom training is spent delivering it.

 When you invest in classroom training, you’re spending more on instructor time and travel costs than you are on the actual training materials.

With video, you don’t need to pay anyone to deliver your employee training, you simply press play. And there’s no need for your employees to travel either. They can watch training and development videos from the comfort of their own desks. If they have any questions they would like to address with open communication, a chat box or phone call with an instructor/manager can be made.

In addition to those cost-saving benefits, when you invest in training videos, you’re only paying once for a source that you can use endlessly. Even if you need to update the training, that can be done quickly and cost effective with post production.

When Microsoft decided to use video instead of classroom training, their costs reduced from $320 per person to just $17 per person. Over 3 years, the total costs saved amounted to about $13.9 million PER YEAR!

Experienced staff are a company’s most valuable resource — and keeping them on-mission is critical. Video can help, by providing the right information every time to help bosses manage their time and employees effectively. 

If you are interested in working with New Pace on your video project, please contact us today to start a conversation. 



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